AviatorCast Episode 22: 5 Aviation Acronyms to Know By Heart | Microsoft Sells Flightsim Franchise?!

Today’s Flight Plan
Today we talk about 5 Aviation Acronyms to Know By Heart and HUGE Flight Simulation news about Microsoft.
First we start off the the acronyms and share with you the IM SAFE, CRAFT, ARROW, MARII, and 4(5) C’s. What are these? Well, you’ll just have to listen to find out.
Last, we talk about huge news (a rumor for now) about Microsoft potentially selling it’s franchise to a large (yet reputable) studio. We can’t wait to hear more, but here is why it matters for flight simmers and training.
Flight Training Segment
5 Aviation Acronyms to Know By Heart
– Illness
– Medication
– Stress
– Alcohol
– Fatigue
– Emotion
– Clearance Limit
– Route of Flight
– Altitude
– Frequency
– Transponder Code
– Airworthiness Certificate
– Registration Certificate
– Radio Station License (if International)
– Owners Manual/Operational Limitations (POH)
– Weight and Balance Data
– Macho
– Anti-Authority
– Resignation
– Invulnerability
– Impulsivity
4(5) C’s
– Calm
– Climb
– Communicate
– Confess
– Comply
Flight Simulation Segment
Word on the street is Microsoft has some the rights to MSFlight to a different developer. Could it be X-Plane? Could it be Lockheed? Could it be a big developer in the community? We don’t know.
- What this could mean for simulation.
- What it could mean for flight training.
Big thanks to Atrasolis for providing the great music for our podcast. Please check them out on their Facebook Page or SoundCloud and get the music you’ve heard for free.
Major thanks to the amazing Angle of Attack Crew for all their hard work over the years. Our team works incredibly hard, and they’re very passionate about what they do.
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Chris: We’ve gone acronym crazy. From VOR to VOR, VFR to IMC, now using the PFD and MFD to shoot an ILS, this is AviatorCast episode 22!
Calling all aviators, pilots and aviation lovers, welcome to AviatorCast, where we close the gap between real aviation and flight simulation. Climb aboard, buckle up and prepare for takeoff. Here’s your host, Chris Palmer!
Chris: Welcome, welcome, welcome aviators. You’ve landed at AviatorCast. My name is Chris Palmer. Give me the thunder screech of a low-flying fighter, the thumpity-thump of a de Havilland Beaver radio, or the all too familiar buzz of a 172. As soon as I hear it, I’m looking for it. Looking, wishing, dreaming it was me up there. Ah, how I love to slit the surly bonds of Earth. I’m the founder and owner of Angle of Attack, a flight simulation training company which is bringing you this podcast today. AviatorCast is a weekly podcast where we talk about the spirit of the aviator. We believe flying is an art form, one that we have to continually practice and master. This master is gained through a focus on continual learning, human factors, humility, and a commitment to excellence. Each episode of AviatorCast will have a real flight training and flight simulation topic or an interview with an inspirational and influential aviator. Our desire and mission is not only to create awesome aviators, but also bridge the gap between real aviation and flight simulation. Show notes, transcript, community discussion, and links for this episode can be found by simply going to AviatorCast.com.
So thank you for joining us on this, the 22nd episode of AviatorCast. It is our pleasure to have you here to join with us in learning a thing or two or refreshing this week. So, we have a couple cool topics for you, I’ll talk about those in a second. First, we have a review from Jay Hickman from the United States. He says “Great information source.” And this is a little bit of a story but I really like this one and I wanted to share it with you guys. So he says “Being that my grandfather was a barnstormer and my grandmother was a wing walker, and my uncles and dad in Army Air Corps and Navy, I have always had a strong interest in aviation ever since I flew as a lad in a Cessna-140 in the early 60s. Flying unfortunately was not in my military career path due to slightly less than perfect vision so I ran off to sea to drive ships for over 20 years. So I had many years of being a simmer and finally my wife gave me the best Christmas present of flight lessons. So now I’m in the process of gaining my private pilot or PPL. Aviator Cast has been a great boon as it weekly brings an episode that is chockfull of great information on how to merge the simulated into the reality of flying. My current career keeps me on the road a lot away from home so real flight lessons are unfortunately spaced out a bit. AviatorCast has shown me how I can use this downtime using FSX to help learn procedures, checklists, and navigation while on the road. Keep up the great work.”
Thank you Jay. You hit the nail on the head there. It’s really cool that even though you’re on the road and busy with work, that you are using a simulator to help in your flight training experience, and it’s really cool that you’re able to do that and that these simulators are that powerful to where that training and that time spent is effective. So very cool, thank you for sharing. And you too can leave a review on iTunes, you being the listener, and that’s where I found this one, and I really appreciate you leaving that for us Jay, and I’ll share details with all of you later on how you can leave that review on iTunes but that’s the main source where people find us and find out if we’re worth listening to, and as you can imagine, a review like Jay’s could really convince someone that “This show is worth is listening to, I’m going to give it a shot.” That’s all we ask. We’ve kind of do this for free every week and work hard to make sure that it happens. So if you do enjoy this episode of AviatorCast and you enjoy other episodes as well, we wound only ask that you leave a review for us on iTunes. No matter where you’re from, no matter what language you leave it in, we’d love to hear from you.
So on this episode, we have a traditional flight training segment and a flight simulation segment. In today’s flight training segment, I will share five aviation acronyms to know by heart. So these are just some that I kind of handpicked that stood out to me right away, and ones that I think you should absolutely know at all times and be familiar with, so those are five aviation acronyms to know by heart. And then, a very, very interesting development in flight simulation software and I will tell you more about that later. It’s a big one guys so you’re going to want to stay tuned for that. So let’s get right into, let’s start with the flight training segment.
And now, the flight training segment…
Chris: Okay everybody, so on this episode, I wanted to share some common aviation acronyms that if you’re familiar with aviation, you’re already a trained pilot, you may already know these. But for those of you that aren’t, these are very helpful, and some acronyms that you should definitely commit to memory and know by heart. These are five different acronyms, they are IM SAFE, CRAFT, ARROW, MARII and the 4 C’s, and I actually came up with 5 C’s. So we’re going to go through each one of these. I’ve shared some of these before, specifically the IM SAFE and MARII, but I feel that they are very important and they should be mentioned again. We’re not going to go into too much depth on each one of these, but for the most part, it’s just a refresher. And yeah, so let’s get started.
First, we start with the IM SAFE acronym. Now the IM SAFE acronym is largely you qualifying yourself for safe flight, and it’s really easy. The acronym is absolutely perfect in the sense that it’s called IM SAFE because if you can go through this acronym and you determine that you check off on each one of these things, then you know that you can go flying. Now these are very much human factors and physical things, and you’ll see that as we go through them.
The first is I and that stands for illness. Are you sick right now? Are you compromised in that way where you really don’t have your wits about you, your body is fighting a virus or something like that, so you may not be eligible to fly just based on a current illness that you have. The next which can be in conjunction with the illness is medication. Have you taken any medication that you take something that will make you drowsy? Did you take something that will reduce your motor function? Did you take something that will reduce your thinking processes? Anything, any sort of medication that could harm you will definitely be something you want to keep in mind. Now, the reason why that’s so important is because often medication can actually, if not’s a pure mental thing or getting sleepy, medication can actually make it in so your blood doesn’t get the kind of oxygen it needs. And so if you climb to an altitude that is higher than usual or something that’s just pretty high, you may actually run into a situation where you get hypoxia, whereas in a situation without medication you wouldn’t get hypoxia. So that’s the M, the I and the M.
And now to the S is stress. Are you stressed out in your life? How is work going? Is your mind really going to be on flying the airplane if you get in the airplane? Or are you going to be thinking about what’s going on at home or what’s going on at a relationship or something like that, or really mostly work-related is what I think of when I think of this. Work or school or whatever it is, stress, you’ve got to watch out for that one.
Alcohol. This isn’t a particular problem for me but it’s definitely something that we all need to keep in mind. Bottle the throttle is what they call this. There is the legal limit which is 8 hours and I believe it’s 0.08 alcohol blood level, but there’s a caveat in there with the FAA that says “or under the influence.” You could be at 0.01 and they could say “You’re under the influence, so basically we’ll take your ticket,” and blah blah blah. So you need to watch out for that one. Now, just be smart with that one. You got to make sure that you have plenty time to recover from drinking alcohol especially if it’s in greater amounts, so be very careful with that one. You’d be surprise how many people go out and get completely plastered and then go out to an airplane and actually fly, but maybe you wouldn’t be surprised. So that’s the A in SAFE.
And then there’s fatigue. Fatigue is a big one. We all run very busy, busy lives, and we’re going to run into these situations where we are tired and we have to fly somewhere. You may think that you will keep your energy up and you’ll be just fine, but the drone of that engine and the monotony of the crews can really start to eat at you, and I don’t know if you’ve been in those situations before where you’ve been driving a long distance and your eyes start to get kind of shaky and you can’t really keep them open. That same thing can happen when you’re in an airplane. Fatigue is a big one and it’s a big concern even in commercial aviation where they’re really watching out for how hard these airline pilots work and other commercial operators, to make sure that they aren’t working too hard and that they’re not too tired because that really does affect your decision-making.
Last is emotion. You have to make sure that everything emotionally in your life will not affect what happens when you go on fly an airplane. Now does that mean that you need to be in an absolute amazing emotional state and on top of the world before you go and fly? I don’t think so. You just need to have the clear, clear goal and intention that happens outside the airplane will not be brought in if you’re going through a divorce or if you’re dealing with a loss of a loved one or your animal just died, something like that. You need to make sure that you leave that behind as soon as your wheels leave the ground.
So that is the IM SAFE checklist. Now to the CRAFT checklist. This is a clearance order that you will get from air traffic control when you get a clearance for an instrument flight. So you can actually on a piece of paper or your iPad, whatever scratch pad you have, you can write CRAFT and write down each one of these as air traffic control reads back your clearance.
So the first is clearance limit. This is where your clearance will terminate. That could be an airport, it could be VOR, it could be a waypoint, something like that. It’s where your clearance will terminate. So generally they say “You’re cleared to the X airport via blah, blah, blah.” The “via” is next. So that is the route of flight. So that is how you will get there. In your flight plan you may have put in a route that you wanted and this may be an area that they change, so that’s another item you need to write down, the route of flight.
Next is the altitude. Generally they will give you an initial altitude and then a final altitude that you can expect after a certain amount of minutes. So that is something that you need to write down as well. It’s generally going to be what you expect if you select the correct altitude but again it is something that air traffic control can possibly change on you. Next is frequency. So this is the frequency you can expect to talk to air traffic control on after your departure. It really depends on if you’re coming from a controlled or uncontrolled airport but generally that will be departure and then from there if there’s not a departure in the area you will be talking to a center controller. That’s the most common thing.
And last is transponder code. So unlike VFR where you’re squawking 1200 and you’re flying around with a bunch of other people that are squawking 1200 as well, IFR, you have your own unique code in that area of the world. For example, you would have 3301 or something like that, and that would be your unique transponder code, you’d put that in your transponder and you’d be all set up there. So this is a really good thing to write down as they are saying it, and then you can look at your notes, commit this to memory and then immediately call back and read back the clearance to air traffic control. This is something that’s required. They need to know that you understand the requirement of their clearance, but this is the exact order and it’s a pretty easy one to remember. Again, that is CRAFT.
ARROW. ARROW is in the next acronym. This is one that is potentially a little boring but it’s something that you definitely need to know. So there are many great airplanes out there in the world but none of them can fly even if they’re in perfect condition unless there are some certain documents on board. So let’s talk about those documents just for a few seconds here. I won’t explain them in too much depth. First is the air worthiness certificate, that needs to be on board. Next needs to be the registration certificate, that also needs to be on board. Those are generally stay with the aircraft at all times, they are in the airplane, and they are usually in a clear plastic sleeve somewhere on the inside of the fuselage, generally in the passenger area of the cabin in most airplanes I’ve seen and that’s where they reside. I’m not sure if it’s a requirement that they are actually visible, but I know that the vast majority of them are visible, so I wouldn’t be surprised if that is some sort of requirement with the law there.
Third is another R and that is a radio station license. Now this is something that if flying in the United States and staying in the United States you’re not going to need. I’ve even flown from the United States into Canada and I haven’t needed a radio station license. I think this is something that used to be required for everybody. Anymore it’s not required for everybody, it’s only required if going to certain countries. So that’s a radio station license. Next is the owner’s manual or POH if you will or operational limitations. So they just basically want to know that you have the owner’s manual on board, you have the limitations, you can look up the performance numbers of the airplane, all that sort of thing, any information you need, and that needs to be on board as well. Each aircraft needs to have that POH so that will be something you always have on board. That is one of the documents that you interact with the most, so that is the one that you will use the most out of all these documents. The others are kind of just stay on board and you don’t have to worry about them too much.
And then we have the wait and balance data. That is unique to every single airplane. You would think that a 172 is a 172 in that sort of ways, but 172s come with so many different kinds of avionics packages and different types of engines and the manufacturing processes change little by little each year and even I’m sure quarterly as they go through. The point of that being each and every aircraft has unique weight and balance and it needs its own weight and balance data and that should be on board as well. So that is ARROW.
Next is MARII. MARII is what we talked about before. We’ve talked about this before in-depth and so I’m not going to go into it too much here but it’s basically the attitudes of a pilot or the things that can be dangerous to a pilot or dangerous pilot attitudes if we were to sum it up that way. If you go back into AviatorCast, if you look in the initial episodes we have, I think this is one of the first five or ten episodes, you will see that there is a discussion on dangerous attitudes. These are again MARII. They are macho, anti-authority, resignation, invulnerability and impulsivity.
So very quickly the definition for those are macho, that means “I’m really cool and strong and I can do this.” Next is anti-authority. It means that “I don’t care what the authorities say, I’m going to break the rules anyways because I can.” Next is resignation. That is just simply giving up. It’s become too hard. You’re in a situation that is just too intense for you and you give up. Next is invulnerability. That means “Nothing can hurt me basically, that I’m indestructible.” And the last is impulsivity, that means that you do things on whim and you don’t think through your decisions and you just do things quickly. So that’s MARII, and a good one to remember. This is almost like the IM SAFE checklist. You need to make sure that you do not have any of these attitudes and you need to make sure that you do not develop any of these attitudes as you go through your training and your career and anything else you do in aviation, you should never have too much of one of these attitudes. But it goes without saying that all of us have a little bit of this. We just need to keep it in balance, and we need to make sure that it doesn’t get outside the bounce to where we then become dangerous pilots.
Alright, so this is rapid fire. I hope you guys are enjoying the speed of this. I just wanted to get through these acronyms pretty fast. I hope you appreciate that. So we have four of them down, we’re to our last acronym now and that is the 4 C’s. Now the 4 C’s is something that I learned when I was in my ab initio training or my initial training to become a private a pilot, and these really make sense. So this is essentially an “I’m lost” checklist. This means that you’re totally lost, you’re in an area and you don’t know where you are. You’ve kind of lost track of what you’re doing, where you are, and you are confused. So the original 4 C’s, and I think there is one that should come before all of these, but the original 4 C’s that I learned were climb, communicate, confess, and comply.
So originally, we’re in a situation where we had become lost and we need to basically get found and get to an area of safety. Unlike a car, we can’t just run out of gas and pull off the side off to the side of the road, potentially hitchhike and get to where we need to go or get to a gas station. It may be nighttime and it may be some weather around the area as well to where if we don’t follow our VFR path correctly, we could get into some of that potentially dangerous weather, and we have a finite amount of fuel as everyone does but for us, what goes up must come down, and so we need to make sure that we come down in a safe manner at a place we want to come down which is an airport, and hopefully an airport with fuel, so that’s what we do here.
So we have the climb, communicate, confess, comply. This is only four and this is original 4 C’s that was come up with, but I think there’s another one. I think the initial one we should all have is calm. We should all remain calm if we get in a situation like this. We can think through our decisions much better if we remain calm. Otherwise, we’re just of getting rushed and we may get into a situation where we get some of the attitudes that we talked about in MARII. We may have some resignation built in there or some impulsivity to where we want to fix the situation fast and get out of there or we may just give up, and we don’t want to do either one of those, so we must remain calm.
And now continuing with the rest, explaining what the rest entail. Climb. Climb up, get within better radio coverage. Maybe get to an area where you can see the terrain better and you can look at your map you can kind of see where you’re at. In these days with GPS and all sorts of things, it’s pretty hard to get into a situation where you get lost, but there still are those beautiful aircrafts out there that don’t have the whiz-bang technology that we have, and some beautiful, beautiful airplanes. One of my dreams someday is to own a Piper Cub. That would be one that will rarely have a GPS on board and obviously it’s becoming more common but anyway, you want to climb and that will give you a better visual of where you are. If not for the visual, then just to get above terrain and make sure that since you are lost, you’re not getting into an area where you are going to run into terrain especially if you’re flying at night.
Now, something to keep in mind there too just me thinking as a pilot here is that climbing also burns more fuel, so you’ve got to be careful here. You can’t just climb and climb, you got to go through these steps in quick progression to get found and get to safety. So that is climb. Next is communicate. Find someone that you can communicate with. An air traffic controller is the best option. That could be a local tower, it could be departure, it could be center. You need to know how and be able to find those frequencies, communicate with them. They can help find you. Generally what they’ll do in that situation since you don’t know where you are at all is because you’ve climb, you’re going to be in better radar coverage now just by default, and then they will actually give you a transponder code that is unique, kind of what we talked about with the craft clearance, and then once you do that, they may tell you to ident, you press the ident button and that will flash on their screen and basically identify exactly where you are and help you get oriented. Then, they can assist you and help you move to an area, to an airport basically and you can be in their radar coverage. You don’t have to have an IFR clearance to do that. You can be under VFR flight following basically and they can definitely help you out. They are there to help, that’s what they do, and so a big thing is to communicate.
Now, say that you have communicated and you still don’t get it, you still don’t understand where you’re going. You’re still confused. You can ask for deeper help, and this is where confess comes in. Confess is “Okay, I’m still lost. I need extra help. I really to get to where I’m going. Not necessarily even where I’m going but I need to get to somewhere safe. Can you help me out further?” So if you are lost that bad, you need to make sure that you confess and again this goes back to some of the things we learned in MARII. You should not be too macho enough or too invulnerable enough to not be able to confess your errors and get back on the right track. Now the last one is comply. They’ll give you directions, they’ll tell you what to do, and then you comply with those and you go to where you need to go. Ask for help along the way if you need it, just make sure that you get to your destination safely.
So I hope you guys enjoyed some of these acronyms. I think they’re really helpful. I use the IM SAFE quite a bit and I think about MARII quite a bit. If you’re flying in IFR, you use CRAFT all the time. ARROW, the documents on the aircraft, you don’t use a whole lot, and I’ve never actually been in a situation where I’ve had to use the 4 C’s or in my case the 5 C’s to get found, but it’s there as kind of an emergency tool just in case you do need them. So I know that‘s a short segment today on flight training but I thought that was just a really good refresher, some things that we need to keep in mind, and I find that these acronyms and these rules of thumb can really help out in us remembering things quickly for when we do need them. When we’re driving to the airport, we can ask ourselves “Do I qualify for the IM SAFE?” and we can periodically ask ourselves “Am I getting any of these dangerous attitudes with MARII?” Once you get to the airplane, “Are my documents on board?” And once you are in the airplane and you are ready to get your IFR clearance, you get it with the CRAFT acronym. Say you get lost along the way which is actually different from a lost IFR procedure but have the 5 C’s. All things to think about, there are so many great acronyms out there and I encourage you guys to commit things like these to memory. They’re easy to remember and they definitely help us out in increasing our safety, getting home to our loved ones and living to fly another day.
So that is the five aviation acronyms to know by heart.
And now, the flight simulation segment…
Chris: Alright, so we have some exciting news recently that is happening in the flight simulation community. So this is specifically to kind of the software end of it and what drives a flight simulator. So obviously, some of you listeners may be using a flight simulator to augment your training, to pick up on procedures and checklists and practice IFR, all sorts of things without actually having to get in the airplane. Now, some of you may just be hobbyists. You may be using a flight simulator because you weren’t able to fly for a career or you don’t quite have your private pilot yet or you just didn’t qualify as far as health reasons. So there are a couple different camps here, but all of you should be interested in this news. So this is big, big news and it’s not exactly verified, completely realistic news yet until there’s actually a news release. Really this is a rumor that’s going around but it seems to be a realistic rumor.
So that is that Microsoft has sold the rights to its flight simulator franchise to someone else in the flight simulation space. At least that’s what the rumors are saying. So essentially what has been owned by Microsoft for so many years, this flight simulator franchise where they started in the 90s really and built it up until the latest iteration with Microsoft flight has been sold to somebody and they are a party that can take that simulator and potentially turn it into something really, really awesome. At least that is the hope. This is a rumor but it’s a rumor with some pretty strong sources that have verified that it has in fact taken in place and if that is the case, this could be really, really good news for flight simmers and for pilots that are looking to use these tools.
A couple of questions here is what could it mean for simulation and what could it mean for flight training? The thing I come back to when I think about this is realism. How are we going to make this more realistic? Now when we think about the technology that is out there for video games just in general because that’s what we’re dealing with, we’re dealing with a computer that generates graphics. We have so many video games out there that are absolutely incredible in their visual quality, and when we look at how flight simulators compare to that, we see that they actually aren’t that great. Now, in today’s world, simulators are way better than they have ever been. If you have used a real course or a type rating or gone to flight safety or any other fixed based simulator, you have flown a simulator that does not look realistic, and I feel confident in saying that because the flight simulation space or the hobbyist space, the gaming space if you will, they really take this seriously. They want to the ultimate realism.
So what this could mean instantly is it could mean that all of the code that was proprietary to Microsoft, only they knew about, only they could manipulate legally, all of that code will be then opened up to somebody that can manipulate it however they want, and the hope is that for flight simmers, we can get a much more realistic, immersive environment that will have better frames per second, higher quality, all those sort of things so that environment is that much more immersive. Some things I think about right away and some things that are actually kind of coming into fruition already with a program called Prepar3D by Lockheed Martin is things like cloud shadows and although that sounds simple, it’s one of those little elements that can really add to the simulation. Cloud shadows.
What about the aircraft actually building ice on it? That would be really amazing. Some of these weather effects where the weather is really immersive, the snow looks realistic in its flurries rather than just these straight lines. We’d get that snow build-up on the aircraft, we have to worry about the ice, we can see the ice breaking off when we heat it up or break it up with boots. Things like that. So these things that could really increase that experience because if you think about it, the basics of the simulator are already handled really well. The scenery is looking pretty good these days, the water looks great, the clouds look great, the sky looks great, the aircrafts are even very realistic, so there are these different things that could really be more immersive. So that’s the good news there as far as kind of the gaming end of it or the hobbyist end of it.
Now what does that mean for actual flight training? It is largely actually the same thing. The more realistic this simulated environment is from a flight training perspective, the more pilots can use it for scenario-based training. The more realistic compared to the actual flights that they have in the aircraft that they train in. So if this simulator is taken to a whole different level because now it is opened up by this company having bought all the rights to it, then we are looking at an absolutely amazing, groundbreaking development in the aspect of flight simulation. So that is the big hope everyone is crossing their fingers right now, hoping that this is someone that could really take this forward. It could even be a situation where X-plane has actually bought the Microsoft Flight Simulator which would be really, really interesting. It could be Prepar3D or Lockheed Martin that bought the rights completely to this franchise. Or it could be a big developer in the flight simulation community that has bought this that will take it forward.
So a lot of different great options here. If this is true which it most likely is, it’s a really good, good development as far as realistic nature of flight simulation and it really gives all of us a whole lot to look forward to. Now, this is a big discussion right now in the community. I’d love to hear your thoughts. You can tweet to us, you can get on Facebook, you can get on AviatorCast.com and comment on this episode. Let’s start a discussion here. Where do you think this is going to go? What are your hopes for this thing happening or someone else has bought the simulator. I’m interested to hear your thoughts. I’ve heard some thoughts out there already like it’s going to be sold to EA or Ubisoft where it will be an Assassin’s Creed type of thing where it’s going to be Pilot’s Creed, Floatplane Pirates or something like that. There are some pretty funny ideas floating around. I don’t think it will be gamified like that. I think it will be a full simulator but at the same time, I want to hear your thoughts. I think that’d be great, so if you want to share those, those are some sources in which you can do that.
So, we’d love to hear your thoughts also on AviatorCast. This is kind of wrapping up the show now. You can truly shape this show and the topics we provide, so take a quick 2-minute survey at Survey.AviatorCast.com. Do you want to be a part of the AviatorCast community or leave a comment, got to AviatorCast.com to join in or write me directly at Me@AviatorCast.com, and I already mentioned that I’d like your comments on this whole flight simulator being sold, so you can also comment on Facebook or Twitter or wherever we’re at. We’re even on Google Plus and LinkedIn. We’re pretty much everywhere. We’d love to hear your thoughts on this new simulator and on AviatorCast in general. Again, you guys shape this show. We want to do things for you and this show and its topics actually came from suggestions from you guys, so that’s how much it helps.
Say that you don’t want to miss an episode of AviatorCast, no worries there. You can subscribe through email at AviatorCast.com, on iTunes, Stitcher, YouTube or SoundCloud. Lots of different sources. The main one we use is iTunes and that’s where we like to direct you guys because that’s where most people find podcasts. We’d love to get an honest review from you on iTunes. As I said, that’s the main area where we find people, because this allows others to learn about AviatorCast and then they can enjoy it as well. So if you enjoy this show, we’d love to get a review from you on iTunes and I have to call out you guys that are international, okay? I’m getting a lot of great reviews from the United Kingdom and from the United States but I’m not getting a ton of reviews from other countries.
Now, we have some from other countries, South Africa, Ireland, Netherlands, so we do get one or two from those types of countries, but I’d love to hear from you, I’d like to see where you guys are listening from and I’d love to get a review on iTunes from you, so if you are from one of these countries, really, I’d love to hear from you. And the interesting thing about iTunes just as a detail is if you’re in that country, they can only see reviews for that country. So since I’m in the United States, I can only see reviews for the United States. So that means that if you are in India for example and you love this podcast, then only people in India will know that this is a great podcast if you get on there and say that. So we’d love to hear from you even if you’re outside of India. Anywhere you are, we’d love to get your review on iTunes.
Sorry for that long dissertation on that, on reviewing but anyway there it is. Last, if you’d like to check out our training products, head to FlyAOAMedia.com. Start with basics for free with Aviator 90, that’s a great program, you guys should pick it up. Learn instrument flying and more with AviatorPro, or even fly many of the world’s most popular jets virtually with our training products for the 737, 747, 777 and MD-11. Again, at FlyAOAMedia.com.
Now in closing, many thanks go out to the Angle of Attack crew for all of their hard work to make this episode possible and all they do outside AviatorCast to keep this machine running so that you and I can have fun each week talking about these types of subjects. And thank you so much for joining us on this episode of AviatorCast. We are truly grateful to have you here, part of our community and so engaged in this wonderful passion for flying things.
Until next time, throttle on!
Chief Flight Instructor and President of Angle of Attack. Founded in 2006.

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