Anna Rusinowski: Flying in Canada | Aviation Careers | Women in Aviation — AviatorCast 152

PilotAnnie aka Anna Rusinowski joins us on today’s episode of AviatorCast. If you’re curious about the differences between Canadian aviation and that of the FAA way in the United States.
Anna has an awesome Instagram and is a very active member of the aviation community. In the podcast we discuss her aviation journey and how she went from wanting to fly, picking a flight school, and eventually deciding to pursue a career as a pilot after some pretty big life events.
“Annie” talks about ways to get through your flight training, how to overcome obstacles, why it’s important to take your moment of opportunity, and making the most of adversity when it comes.
Join on this fun podcast with “PilotAnnie”.
Chief Flight Instructor and President of Angle of Attack. Founded in 2006.

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