Questions on this episode:
1:43 As a very new student, what do you recommend I do to learn/study both towered and non-towered airport communications?
5:16 Which online course do you recommend for ground school refresher?
5:51 What is the procedure to come over to Alaska and finish my commercial license?
6:21 If I wanted to get into flight sim, what are the basics I would need for a home setup?
6:49 When descending from cruise say at 8500 ft, and leaned, do you mixture rich as per landing procedure?
7:35 Is there a difference in students who completed their ground and written before they fly?
9:03 What’s your opinion on accelerated flight training for PPL?
10:44 Number 1 tip for the CFI ride?
12:21 What are you doing to stay current amongst all of this?
13:46 What is the best way to build hours with a PPL?
15:28 Haven’t flow in 4 years… Where do I start?
17:31 How do you keep your CFI knowledge up as a newly rated CFI?
18:25 Who would you recommend spin training to (besides certificates that require it)?
19:50 Tips for staying proficient during this time?
20:13 What’s your opinion on having a minimum maneuvering speed in the pattern?
21:26 Should I become a CFI so I can build hours?
22:27 What are your thoughts on getting my commercial rating before my instrument rating?
23:12 Working on private and studying for oral. Any tips?
25:22 Best way to prep for the written and checkride?
26:19 How do you take care of night requirements during Alaska summer? Do students just wait until winter?
27:01 Just 10 hours in, any advice for getting nauseous during flight training?
28:36 Would a 2nd class medical be important for someone who wants to be a CFI but currently working on PPL?
30:21 What do you think about Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020?
30:34 What’s the story for GA in your country? Here in Italy we can’t fly.
34:00 As a CFI in the US, do you have any tips on teaching the roundout and flare?
36:49 What parts of the regulations do I need to study to eventually open my own flight school, freight, and people moving service?
37:42 What are your top 5-10 GA YouTubers?
39:51 Haven’t flown in 12 years. Any advice for getting back into it?
41:29 How can I have a flight experience in Alaska?
42:07 Can an Indian private pilot license be converted to an FAA PPL?
42:31 Would you ever fly for a commercial airline?
43:12 Any technique for a short field landing precision that has worked well for you?
45:21 Do you think simulators like X-Plane 11 hurt or help a student pilot?
Submit questions every Sunday night on Angle of Attack’s Instagram: https://ift.tt/2SCOUUG
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Chief Flight Instructor and President of Angle of Attack. Founded in 2006.

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